Error codes

The errors displayed on the camera and their solutions are listed below.

[Network not found.]

Error codeSolution
Err.11Confirm that the device to which you are attempting to connect is on.
Confirm the network SSID in the camera wireless network profile.

[Wireless error.]

Error codeSolution
Err.12Confirm that you are using the correct password for the selected SSID.
Confirm that you are using the correct authentication and encryption method in the camera wireless network profile.
Err.13Confirm that the device to which you are attempting to connect is on.
Turn the camera off and then on again.
Err.1FTurn the camera off and then on again.

[TCP/IP error.]

Error codeSolution
Err.21Check that the TCP/IP address and the sub-net mask are correct in the camera wireless network profile.
Err.22Duplicate IP address. Choose a different address in the camera wireless network profile.

[Could not connect to Nikon Imaging Cloud.]

Error codeSolution
Err.90Try connecting to Nikon Imaging Cloud for the first time again from the beginning.
Err.91The terms of use may have been updated. See the Nikon Imaging Cloud home screen for details.
Err.94Token error. Turn the camera off and then on again and reconnect.
Err.96Cannot use Nikon Imaging Cloud. Please check the Nikon Imaging Cloud website.
Err.A0Couldn’t find your Nikon ID. If you do not have a Nikon ID, create one and reconnect the camera.

[Nikon Imaging Cloud registration failed.]

Error codeSolution
Err.92Authentication error. Reconnect to Nikon Imaging Cloud using one of the following methods.
  • Computer: Enter the URL displayed on the camera into a web browser.
  • Smart device: Enter the URL displayed on the camera into a web browser or scan the QR code displayed on the camera.
Err.95Camera identification error. Consult a Nikon-authorized service representative.

[The system is undergoing maintenance. Cannot connect.]

Error codeSolution
Err.93Nikon Imaging Cloud is undergoing maintenance. Please reconnect later.

[Could not get version update information.]

Error codeSolution
Err.97Failed to receive firmware update notifications. Please try again later. If this issue occurs frequently, contact a Nikon-authorized service representative.

[Could not upload pictures to Nikon Imaging Cloud.]

Error codeSolution
Err.98Access to Nikon Imaging Cloud is restricted. Please check the Nikon Imaging Cloud website.

[Could not log in to Nikon Imaging Cloud.]

Error codeSolution
Err.A1The camera sign-in setting is set to off. Turn on the camera sign-in setting on the Nikon Imaging Cloud home screen.

[An HTTPS error occurred.]

Error codeSolution
Err.1400Turn the camera off and then on again.
Err.1404Check the DNS in the camera wireless network profile.
Err.1502Please try again later.
Err.1503Please try again later.
Err.1504Please try again later.