Each series of shots taken during burst photography can be treated as a group. This cuts down on the amount of time spent scrolling back and forth to view pictures after shooting long bursts.

  • The [Frame advance] > [Skip to first shot in burst] options for Custom Setting f3 [Custom controls (playback)] > [Main command dial] and [Sub-command dial] have been renamed [Skip to first shot in series].

Identifying the First Shot in Each Burst

[Mark first shot in series] has been added to the options available for [Playback display options] > [Add info] in the playback menu. When this option is selected (M), the first picture in each burst will be identified by a c icon and the figure giving the total number of shots in the burst.

Viewing the Shots in Each Burst

[Start series playback] has been added to the roles that can be assigned using Custom Setting f3 [Custom controls (playback)] (f3: Custom Controls (Playback)). The pictures in a burst can be viewed in sequence by holding the control when any of the shots is displayed. Playback stops when the control is released or the last picture in the burst is displayed.

Burst Playback Options

A [Series playback] item has been added to the playback menu. It contains options for viewing bursts.

“Sub-selector Displays First Shot”

  • Select [ON] to skip all but the first shot in each burst when scrolling through pictures by tilting the sub-selector left or right. Pictures that are not part of a burst will not be skipped. The individual shots in each burst can be viewed by tilting the sub-selector up or down.

  • Tilting the sub-selector up, down, left, and right when [OFF] is selected performs the same functions as pressing 1, 3, 4, and 2 on the multi selector.

“Auto Series Playback”

If [ON] is selected, the remaining pictures will play back automatically after the first picture in the burst has been displayed full frame for a few seconds. Playback ends when the last picture in the burst is displayed.

“List Series as Single Thumbnails”

When [ON] is selected, only the first shot in each burst will appear in the thumbnail list. The first picture in each burst will be identified by a c icon and a figure giving the total number of shots in the burst.

  • A [Manage series] item appears in the playback i menu when [ON] is selected for [List series as single thumbnails]. It can be used to protect, delete, or upload to a computer or FTP server all pictures in selected bursts.