Bracketing automatically varies exposure, flash level, Active D‑Lighting (ADL), or white balance slightly with each shot, “bracketing” the current value. Choose in situations in which getting the right settings is difficult and there is not time to check results and adjust settings with each shot, or to experiment with different settings for the same subject. For more information, see “Varying Exposure or White Balance over a Series of Photographs (Bracketing)” ( Varying Exposure or White Balance over a Series of Photographs (Bracketing) ).



[Auto bracketing set]

Choose the setting or settings bracketed when auto bracketing is in effect.

  • [AE & flash bracketing]: Perform both exposure and flash-level bracketing.

  • [AE bracketing]: Bracket only exposure.

  • [Flash bracketing]: Perform only flash-level bracketing.

  • [WB bracketing]: Perform white-balance bracketing.

  • [ADL bracketing]: Perform bracketing using Active D‑Lighting.

[Number of shots]

Choose the number of shots in the bracketing sequence.


Choose the amount the selected settings vary with each shot when an option other than [ADL bracketing] is selected for [Auto bracketing set].


Choose how Active D-Lighting varies with each shot when [ADL bracketing] is selected for [Auto bracketing set].