Choose the functions assigned to camera controls, whether used individually or in combination with the command dials.


Choose the roles played by the following controls, highlight the desired option and press the center of the multi selector:

0 Pv button
v Fn1 button
x Fn2 button
V AF-ON button
8 Center of sub-selector

S Lens focus function buttons *

The lens focus function buttons can be used for the assigned function only when AF-L is selected with the focus function selector.

Lens focus function buttons

“Press” and “Press + Command Dials”

Certain roles cannot be assigned simultaneously to both the “press” and “press + command” functions for some controls. Assigning such a role to “press” when it is already assigned to “press + command dial” sets the “press + command dial” option None, while assigning such a role to “press + command dials” when it is already assigned to “press” sets the “press” option None.

The functions that can be assigned to these controls are as follows:

Option 0 v x V 8 S
APreset focus point
KAF-area mode
qAF-area mode + AF-ON
rFV lock
BAE/AF lock
CAE lock only
DAE lock (Reset on release)
EAE lock (Hold)
FAF lock only
1Bracketing burst
4+ NEF (RAW)
LMatrix metering
MCenter-weighted metering
NSpot metering
tHighlight-weighted metering
bViewfinder grid display
!Viewfinder virtual horizon
cSync. release selection
3Access top item in MY MENU
JSelect center focus point
KHighlight active focus point

The following options are available:

Virtual Horizon

Pressing a control to which Viewfinder virtual horizon has been assigned displays pitch and roll indicators in the viewfinder. Press the control a second time to clear the indicators from display.


Camera tilted right Camera level Camera tilted left


Camera tilted forward Camera level Camera tilted back

The roles of the pitch and roll indicators are reversed when the camera is rotated to take pictures in “tall” (portrait) orientation. Note that the display may not be accurate when the camera is tilted at a sharp angle forward or back. If the camera is unable to measure tilt, the amount of tilt will not be displayed.

Press + Command Dials

To choose the roles played by the following controls in combination with the command dials, highlight the desired option and press the center of the multi selector:

1 Pv button + y
w Fn1 button + y
9 Sub-selector center + y

n BKT button + y
Q Movie record button + y *

Choose the role played by the movie-record button in combination with the command dials when the live view selector is rotated to C.

The BKT Button

If high dynamic range or multiple exposure is active while another function is assigned to the BKT button, the BKT button cannot be used in combination with a command dial until high dynamic range or multiple exposure photography ends.

The functions that can be assigned to these controls are as follows:

Option 1 w 9 n Q
JChoose image area
$Shutter spd & aperture lock
v1 step spd/aperture
wChoose non-CPU lens number
yActive D-Lighting
zExposure delay mode
nPhoto shooting menu bank
vExposure mode
mWhite balance
tAuto bracketing
$Multiple exposure
2HDR (high dynamic range)

The following options are available:


To choose the role assigned to the sub-selector, highlight 7 Sub-selector and press the center of the multi selector. The sub-selector can be used for focus-point selection (x Focus point selection) or to duplicate the role performed by the multi selector (Y Same as multi selector). If Y Same as multi selector is selected, you can further press 2 and select Playback zoom to choose the role played by the sub-selector during playback zoom: scrolling photos (Scroll) or viewing other photos at the same zoom ratio (Display next/previous frame).

7 Sub-selector

A Custom Settings: Fine-Tuning Camera Settings

a: Autofocus

b: Metering/exposure

c: Timers/AE lock

d: Shooting/display

e: Bracketing/flash

f: Controls

g: Movie